Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome to our homestead!

Well today is one of those mornings were the chores seem to out weigh the time I have to do them! At our homestead in beautiful Bellingham WA we milk goats, make and sell cheese and  cajeta ( a sort of Mexican caramel  but MUCH better then caramel!) We also sell naturally raised goat meat in spring and summer, sell organic free range chicken eggs, as well as raise Traditional Persian cats. Oh and did I forget our garden?! It supplies organic produce for my family year round, yep even in winter!

On this blog I will share recipes, tips and tricks for animal husbandry, garden tips and more. You will also get a glimps of our busy fun life on our homestead. Our goal for our homestead is to eventually be almost completely self sufficient, to freeze enough milk and eggs and meat to get us through winter and to sell what we don't need to offset our costs. Over the next few years we will be working on making the animals self sufficient as well. Meaning we would grow more then 90% of their foods while they supply our foods. My husband Greg and I decided several years ago that this was a better life for us and our son.

Exciting News! A Persian breeder friend of ours has asked us to sell some kittens for her. We have some beautiful flame point Himalayan kittens arriving next week along with smoke blacks, tuxedos,  blue smokes, bi colors and seal points. These are pet quality kittens that will be looking for wonderful families to take them home. Please contact me for more information on the kittens.